
The body possesses internal wisdom that strives to maintain a state of good health. This innate intelligence controls our heart rate, blood pressure, hormone production, immune system, and other bodily functions. It allows our body to maintain homeostasis; adapting to the influences of the internal and external environment.

The nervous system controls the function of all the body’s systems. The brain sends mental impulses to more than 100 trillion cells in the body, instructing them how to function properly. At the same time, each body part sends the brain information based on its surrounding environment. As the brain receives and processes this information, it sends out commands so the body will adequately respond to its surroundings and maintain the optimum level of good health. These impulses are transmitted between the brain and body through nerves passing through the spine.

Vertebrae in the spine can, and frequently do, lose their motion and interfere with the body’s natural communication process. The loss of spinal motion and consequent loss of function is called a vertebral subluxation. These subluxations cause the messages transmitted over the spine to become modified and diminished. As a result, the body’s response is the inability to adapt. As the natural ability to adapt and respond to its environment is reduced, the body’s ability to respond to challenges to its health is reduced.

Dr. Alison Pellicane Chiropractor, NY

Well Adjusted Living

Chiropractors in Suffolk County

Our self regulating nervous systems are comprised of the brain and spinal cord. It is the responsibility of your nervous system to learn and adapt from the stressors of everyday life: physical, chemical, and emotional stress.

When our capacity to handle these stressful experiences is exceeded, the system stores the stress. The more storage we accumulate, the more rigid and inflexible we can become and the less likely we are to respond dynamically to new experiences. Often our body compromises its structure and function and communicates this unintegrated storage of energy through symptomatology – i.e tension, fatigue, pain, illness.

These symptoms want to give you information about the way you’re living your life. We are here to hold space for the expression and observation of what your body is conveying. Through the chiropractic adjustment we have the ability to transform these experiences – unleashing the healing power of the body.

We believe that true health happens in the dance of adapting to and experiencing life. Individuals often report after receiving consistent chiropractic adjustments that they sense a deeper connection within and a shift in how they relate to themselves and others. It is our mission here not to see things that are ‘wrong’ with you, but remind you of all the things that are right.

Chiropractic for Children

Chiropractor for Children Suffolk County, NY

At Palladium Chiropractic, we are on mission for our community’s children to have the healthiest start to life. As children we are in touch with our aliveness, our essence and freedom to express. Some of the health concerns we see in adults may begin as early as birth. While our physical journey is one of the most miraculous experiences, it coincidentally can be traumatic: resulting in a tremendous amount of stress, emotionally and physically. Within the first year of life 65% of neurologic growth and development occurs. During this time, the efficiency of your child’s nervous system and ability to respond to stress and internal signaling is essential.

We utilize specific and gentle adjustments to check the nervous systems of children as early as moments after birth. Children walk through our doors expressing many different health concerns, including colic, allergies, breathing difficulties, nursing issues, behavioral issues, sleep disturbances and ear infections among others. The nature of this care is not in the fixing or adding more diagnoses, but reduction of nerve system stress, restoration of physiologic balance and ultimately fullest expression of life. From here we see increased integration, adaptation and freedom within – resulting in the alleviation of symptoms. Children innately know how to express health. Utilizing nervous system focused chiropractic will support this foundational concept for a life full of adapting, growing and continually reconnecting to the healing power within.

A Balanced Brain Holistic Healing Suffolk County, NY

Brain Balancing

Dr. Alison incorporates Brain Balancing as part of her approach to restorative healing. The small and subtle changes in our health, which we do not notice on a day-to-day basis, add up to significant changes over time. Eventually, we wake up one day and ask ourselves, “How did I get here?” Our goal is to allow the body to get everything working together, in balance, the way nature intended.

Brain Balancing is about finding and fixing the imbalances in brain function, biochemistry, and body function that create symptoms and promote dysfunction and disease. Since the brain controls virtually every function in the human body, it is important to use both sides equally. This will allow the human body as a whole to function optimally. There are distinctly different chemical and hormonal functions assigned to the separate brain hemispheres, and having neurological imbalance leads to a host of potential health issues. Through sophisticated equipment and techniques, we stimulate the weak side of the brain to balance the brain and allow for optimal function of the human body. It works for everything from fatigue to muscle pain, depression to digestion, allergies to autoimmune problems, and for all human beings seeking overall enhanced performance in life.